Thursday, February 16, 2012

The First Look

I know what you're thinking. First look photo shoots are a good idea in theory, but they take away from the romance of walking down the aisle to your almost-husband as the two of you make eye-contact for the first time.

That's what I thought, too. That down-the-aisle moment was SO important to me. Even though the logistics of our wedding day required that we take our couple photos and formal portraits before the ceremony, I fought it tooth and nail. Just like any other ordinary little girl, I thought about my future wedding day, and when I did, I picture that moment. Walking down the aisle with my father on my arm. Locking eyes with a faceless man in a tuxedo. All my friends and family watching. Aaaand that last part is what got me. I don't quite know how it happened, but in recent years, I've developed a little bit of... what should I call it? Stage fright? Something like that. All I know is that in the week before my wedding, I would wake up in the middle of the night, literally panicking about the down-the-aisle moment I had dreamed of for so long! The mysterious bruises and scrapes that appear on my body can attest to my clumsiness. Add to that the fact that I cry at the slightest provocation. Listening to a pretty song? Tears. Feeling moderately happy? Automatic crying. Marrying Jared? Oh my word, I never had a chance. This might just be me, but the thought of sobbing in front of all my friends and family as I stumble down the aisle scares me a little.

Because of these worries, Jared and I decided to have a first look photo shoot before our wedding ceremony with our photographer and friend, Michelle Boyd. Let me tell you, this was the best possible decision we could have made. Brides, if you are prone to nerves, let me take a moment to urge you to consider a first look photo session. My cousin and bridesmaid, Katrina, drove me to Veterans Park in Arlington, Texas, where I met with Michelle and Jared. It was such a sweet moment to spend alone with Jared right before the biggest day of our lives. He helped calm me down and reassure me like only he knows how to do. We also spent our only alone time together of the entire day. I can't tell you how valuable that was to my sanity.

All in all, my advice is to go with a first look session! We did all of our wedding photos before the ceremony, which made the transition to the reception so much faster and easier! And the best part is that, miracle of miracles, I made it down the aisle tear-free! I am so glad we did this.

Enough talk. Here is some of Michelle's beautiful work. Enjoy!

Please check out Michelle B. Photographie's website and blog! She is a genius with a camera.



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